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What is FileMaker Hosting

“No man is an island” - John Donne

Getting Started with FileMaker Hosting

So you have a FileMaker solution that you’re excited about. So excited, in fact, that you want to share it with the world (or your team).

Or perhaps you need to share the file with multiple users and synchronize data input across teams. Maybe you’re running some heavy scripts and want to leverage the resources of another machine.

In any of these cases, you’ll want to set up FileMaker hosting and get that solution up on FileMaker Server.

What is FileMaker hosting?

FileMaker hosting is a way to upload your local FileMaker databases to a FileMaker Server so that multiple users can access it simultaneously. FileMaker Server most commonly runs on a separate server, on either an internal or external network (i.e., "the Cloud").

Once a database is up and running on FileMaker Server, it can be accessed by anyone with proper credentials. It allows 250+ users (depending on your Claris FileMaker licensing) to connect to and work on the same FileMaker Pro database simultaneously.

Benefits of hosting your FileMaker apps

Beyond the apparent benefits of expanded access and real-time data sharing, a hosted FileMaker solution provides added security measures and options to utilize additional resources for scripted processes.

If your FileMaker files run locally on your computer, you are at a higher risk of losing data or access to your files. Having your FileMaker databases in the Cloud helps prevent the potential for single-point failure. Conversely, most FileMaker Hosting providers have a comprehensive backup policy to ensure your data's safety.

Server-side resources

Hosting FileMaker solutions also allows users to harness additional resources from the server, whether through data APIs or the Perform Script on Server (PSOS) script step. Using these extra resources allows developers to increase speed and performance while simultaneously decreasing the load on user machines. These options are near essential for any business-critical custom applications.

What’s next?

If you are looking for cloud hosting for your Claris FileMaker apps, let’s chat. Ottomatic is brought to you by Proof+Geist, a proud Claris Partner. We offer cloud hosting designed for FileMaker and the Claris platform, as well as FileMaker consulting, licensing, and developer tools.